Friday, June 11, 2010

Oh My!

More cover art spoilers. Sorry I'm so slow with production. :c Lately my tablet doesn't like me. I hope you like this <3 I just finished it.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blobby is published!!

"After yet another fight with her loser boyfriend of 4 years, Amanda discovers a secret admirer who’s more than happy to please her! "
24 pages and uncensored! 

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Dear Teacher

Cover for a new comic I'm making after Blobby. c: Finally finished this today. Juli and Oliver. It's about a ganguro and her teacher! Ganguro are so pretty <3

When I was 15 I had a dream I was in a university. I wanted to do something with this idea and finally many years later this story came from it! I can't wait till it's finished. It's drafted so far.

Jenny was watching Big Love while I was coloring this... now I will think of this show whenever I look at this picture! Darn you Jenny XD

Friday, February 12, 2010

Good news!!

Lulu responded!! They do allow adult content! I hope this will help other hentai artists too.

Publisher Problems...

Icarus only publishes Japanese imports. I wish there were American hentai publishers that published domestic and non-Japanese hentai. DriveThrough isn't bad but I really want my work in a print.

Monday, November 16, 2009

News 11/17/09

I've had a a bit of artist block but I'm better now. Blobby is almost finished, I've began working on a second book about a young girl and her sexy teacher!

I've also discovered thanks to a friend of mine c: I've contacted them and am waiting for a response.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tentacle Love

I love drawing these two! ♥ Products are for sale at cafepress.